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Hours & Location

463 S California Avenue,
Palo Alto, CA 94306

(650) 326-7762

Tuesday - Saturday (full traditional menu available)

Christmas Eve & New Year's Eve
12/24 and 12/31 'Havana Hours' = Noon - 7 PM

(Closed Christmas Day & New Year's Day)

NEW NEW NEW:  We open at Noon for seated service.  The kitchen closes at 9:00 T/W/Th and 9:30 on F/S.

Cuban Social Hours "CSH" (aka Happy Hours) are from Noon -5 PM, T-Sat (click here to see menu)

Click here to order lunch to-go! Pick-up from the bar area...  

Please check on our website for reservation options 
or call us at (650) 326-7762 (ext. 0) during open hours,
we might know of tables that the computers so not :).

We try to keep ourselves walk-up friendly... We hope to see you soon!

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